Call For Abstracts

In the context of the Urban Climate Justice Day, Early Career Researchers (MPhil and PhD researchers and recent PhD graduates) in the field are welcome to contribute to the event by submitting their Abstract.
The selected presenters will present their contributions orally at a number of parallel sessions chaired by senior academics and practitioners. This will be a valuable opportunity for ECRs to share their ideas in a supportive and vigorous environment and to benefit from the engaged appraisals of senior academics and practitioners.
Participants for the Young scholars Panel session will be selected on the basis of submitted abstracts of no more than 300 words in length. Each abstract should explain clearly the issue or argument that the researcher intends to speak on at the conference. A maximum of 6 abstracts will be selected for presentation. The authors of each selected abstracts will be able to present their contribution in oral form through a presentation of approximately 10 minutes.
All abstracts must be submitted by the 18th April 2022 to be evaluated.
You may find more information on the topic downloading the Call for Abstract.

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Upload Your Contribution

Upload your contribution to the Urban Climate Justice Day!

In the form below you may upload your abstract. Be sure to add your e-mail and the name of the institution you come from.

After the upload of the abstract you will receive an e-mail confirmation.

Check your e-mail from the 20th of April to know if your contribution has been selected.

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